EAR Express™ Corded Pod Ear Plugs
These EAR Express™ Pod earplugs are corded and available in packs of 100 units. With their no-roll design the cords keep the plugs accessible. These earplugs feature a paddle-style grip that provides an excellent fit.
They are manufactured from a special foam so they can be inserted without rolling keeping your ears, plugs and fingers clean. These products are made from a special slow-recovery foam which makes insertion very easy. Once inserted the foam plugs conforms to the shape of the ear canal and male for comfortable hearing protection.
They can be purchased with reusable pillow packs so you can keep them clean when not in use. The paddle-style grips gives you get consistent, clean and quick placement.
With a noise reduction rating of 25, they're suitable for a variety of applications that require hearing protection. For maximum quality these earplugs are made by 3M© and they've been tested for hearing conservation with 3M's special validation system.